Saturday 16 December 2006


I seem to have forgotten to write anything here for a few days. We came down to Cambridge on Monday it was a much faster journey than normal - only 3 1/4 hours. A combination of no roadworks, very little traffic and our nice car. With the old Clio, we tended to drive at 65-70, this car feels more comfortable at 70-75, and more fuel efficient.

We came down here mostly to finish the new front door - last time we came down we bought it, and cut it to size and painted the undercoat. External doors take ages to paint, lots of coats of undercoat, then lots of gloss, and the gloss takes >24hours to dry. It is a lovely red colour though.

I have had a cold which is annoying. Not as bad as the I-finished-my-PhD cold I had in October, or the Man-Flu Olly had a few weeks ago, but still a pain.

The photos are of the most recent hats in my Etsy shop. I had a hard time photoing the top one, partly because there wasn't a very good background in Cambridge, and because the lights aren't very bright (really old low energy ones).

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